Special Treatments

TMJ Treatment

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder occurs when the joints that connect your jaw to the skull create pain. If you are experiencing difficulties or discomfort while moving your jaw, you probably have a TMJ disorder. There are various reasons why this problem occurs. Some patients may also have a habit of clenching their jaws and/or grinding their teeth, usually when under stress. The longer these activities go on, the more even just chewing food can put pressure on your jaw bone and muscles. In some cases, the discomfort can travel to the skull and trigger a mild migraine. 

Managing the cause of the symptoms may help, as well as pain relievers or muscle relaxants. There are also therapies that can help solve your TMJ disorders:

  • Occlusal appliances – Mouth guards and splints are helpful occlusal appliances in preventing tooth damage due to grinding; they consist of soft, but firm, plastic materials that patients wear over teeth, greatly reducing the force of the teeth and jaw contact
  • Physical therapy – We also suggest jaw exercises, such as moving them in slow and steady, up and down motions; however, be mindful that carelessly stretching and moving your jaw inappropriately might worsen the condition
  • Management counselling – You may also receive counselling about the habits leading to your TMJ disorders to understand why some mannerisms, like teeth clenching, nail-biting, and so forth, need to be managed

TMJ treatment and medications

Some symptoms of TMJ disorder may go away without treatment. Especially if you have managed the cause of the problem, such as teeth grinding or clenching. However, if the signs recur or linger, we highly recommend you see your dentist immediately.

At Wortley Road Dental, we may prescribe medications, such as pain relievers and muscle relaxants, to help ease your discomfort. Free yourself from enduring this pain and discomfort. Ask your dentist in London how you could help manage or alleviate the symptoms associated with TMJ disorder. Contact us today! 

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Wortley Road Dental

250 Wortley Road, London, Ontario, Canada

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