General Dental Services

Root Canal Therapy

Your dentist may recommend root canal therapy to treat an infected tooth and help you avoid tooth loss—which can result in teeth shifting or jawbone and tissue deterioration. At Wortley Road, we help ensure your comfort, with several possible sedation options to help you relax. Our facility is also fully equipped to make the procedure faster and more precise.

Beforehand, we will discuss your prognosis and explain treatment. To remove the infected pulp and avoid further contamination, your dentist will make a hole in the tooth to access the chamber, then remove the disease and sanitize it before sealing permanently with fillings. While recovery used to be long and excruciating, prescriptions and proper guidance can get you back on track in just a few days.

Root canal procedure

Before the root canal procedure, your dentist will take time to discuss his prognosis with you first. You need to understand why the dental issue occurred and why this treatment has to be done. To give you an idea, all teeth have a chamber inside where soft tissues are found. This includes the tooth roots and the pulp. In situations where you might have severe decay or encounter an accident and affect your teeth, this causes diseases to form in the pulp.  

Our London dentists can perform the treatment to remove infected pulps and avoid further contamination. In order to do this, we will make a hole on the tooth and access the chamber, then use a dental handpiece to remove the disease and sanitize it before sealing the tooth permanently with fillings. The recovery period after root canal therapy used to be long and excruciating. Now, with the help of prescriptions and proper guidance from your dentist, you will likely be back on track in just a few days. You do not have to endure the discomfort. 

We encourage you to contact our dental clinic to help you end your dental pain once and for all. Contact us today to learn more or book an appointment. 

Our Clinic

Wortley Road Dental

250 Wortley Road, London, Ontario, Canada

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