General Dental Services

Laughing Gas Sedation

nitrous oxide treatment by Wortley Road Dental

Laughing gas sedation is helpful for patients—including children—who experience anxiety over dental procedures. At Wortley Road Dental, we recommend nitrous oxide over other sedation methods as it is easy to administer and takes effect immediately. You also remain awake during the treatment.

Once you are under this type of sedation, your London dentist can conduct the procedure and help ensure your comfort until the end. Since you also remain awake during the treatment, it will allow you to stay conscious if you need to leave immediately after the appointment. However, we will need to remove the remaining gas in your system and supply you with oxygen to ensure you get fully back on track following the procedure. 

What to expect from laughing gas sedation

Although you may experience the following normal side effects, there is no need to be alarmed:

  • Mild headache – Since your oxygen levels might go down with laughing gas in your system, it can trigger a headache. However, there is little cause for worry as the sensation only lasts for a few minutes. If you need to recover quickly, keep yourself hydrated after the treatment
  • Shivering and excessive sweating – As laughing gas enters your system, it might affect your senses and cause you to feel slightly too cold or too hot. However, this is another normal reaction of the body towards the laughing gas. 
  • Nausea and light-headedness – These symptoms are quite common and go away after a few minutes. 

If you need help to calm down prior to undergoing a dental procedure, you may wish to consider sedation. We encourage you to be upfront about any concerns in advance. Contact us today to discuss this matter further.

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Wortley Road Dental

250 Wortley Road, London, Ontario, Canada

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