Free Consultation

free dental consultation by Wortley Road Dental

One of the best offers we have in the clinic is our free consultation service for all patients who seek advice for their dental problem. Dental consultations and checkups should be available for everyone so we could achieve disease and cavity-free community. Although not everyone is thrilled with this appointment, it’s the most important one to attend. At this stage, you could prevent serious issues in your oral health and treat it early with the help of our dentist in London centre.

Why do you need to have dental consultations?

Exploring options

Most dental problems now have various dental procedures that patients could consider for treatment. Somehow, this makes decision-making a bit challenging if you don’t have a professional opinion about your choices. If you avail a free consultation, you will have an opportunity to ask our dentist what available treatments could solve your dental issue. Your dentist may be able to help you find the most suitable method that also depends on your budget and comfort.

Checking payment plans

One of the advantages of having a consultation first is to know what costs this certain dental procedure before taking it. Sometimes, patients can be hesitant in receiving treatment for their dental problem due to the fact that it’s expensive. The dentist in London centre has flexible payment terms that may suit your budget and help you get that dental treatment that you need.

Knowing your eligibility

Each patient will experience unique dental care. One dental treatment may have worked for this patient but then it may not for others. That’s why you need to be in a free consultation service so that you may know if you’re an eligible candidate for your preferred treatment. This would also save you time and effort than taking a dental procedure on the day you were informed that you’re not suitable for it. Your dentist in London centre will help you determine the factors why you can’t have a procedure and what options you have in the table.

Our Clinic

Wortley Road Dental

250 Wortley Road, London, Ontario, Canada

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